Prevent reprocessing documents after saving a template

Portrait of Sylvestre Dupont
by Sylvestre Dupont
1 mins read
last updated on

After creating or updating a template, Parseur will try to reprocess all unprocessed documents using this template. You can now change that behavior.

Sometimes you may not want Parseur to try and parse existing documents. Maybe you're still making tests or maybe you have a large set of old unprocessed documents that you never want to parse anymore.

You can now uncheck the "Reprocess all unprocessed documents" box when editing a template to prevent Parseur from trying to parse existing documents in your queue. You can then make tests and manually reprocess documents.

This setting is also applied when pausing/enabling a template. No documents will be reprocessed anymore while doing so.

A screen capture of unprocessed documents
New option to prevent reprocessing documents when saving a template

last updated on

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