A new Headers
metadata field is now available that allows you to extract all email SMTP headers in one go.

Here is a list of all official (per RFC) header names that can be found in emails:
- Accept-Language
- Alternate-Recipient
- ARC-Authentication-Results
- ARC-Message-Signature
- ARC-Seal
- Archived-At
- Authentication-Results
- Auto-Submitted
- Autoforwarded
- Autosubmitted
- Bcc
- Cc
- Comments
- Content-Identifier
- Content-Return
- Conversion
- Conversion-With-Loss
- Date
- Deferred-Delivery
- Delivery-Date
- Discarded-X400-IPMS-Extensions
- Discarded-X400-MTS-Extensions
- Disclose-Recipients
- Disposition-Notification-Options
- Disposition-Notification-To
- DKIM-Signature
- DL-Expansion-History
- Downgraded-Bcc
- Downgraded-Cc
- Downgraded-Disposition-Notification-To
- Downgraded-Final-Recipient
- Downgraded-From
- Downgraded-In-Reply-To
- Downgraded-Mail-From
- Downgraded-Message-Id
- Downgraded-Original-Recipient
- Downgraded-Rcpt-To
- Downgraded-References
- Downgraded-Reply-To
- Downgraded-Resent-Bcc
- Downgraded-Resent-Cc
- Downgraded-Resent-From
- Downgraded-Resent-Reply-To
- Downgraded-Resent-Sender
- Downgraded-Resent-To
- Downgraded-Return-Path
- Downgraded-Sender
- Downgraded-To
- Encoding
- Encrypted
- Expires
- Expiry-Date
- From
- Generate-Delivery-Report
- Importance
- In-Reply-To
- Incomplete-Copy
- Keywords
- Language
- Latest-Delivery-Time
- List-Archive
- List-Help
- List-ID
- List-Owner
- List-Post
- List-Subscribe
- List-Unsubscribe
- List-Unsubscribe-Post
- Message-Context
- Message-ID
- Message-Type
- MMHS-Acp127-Message-Identifier
- MMHS-Codress-Message-Indicator
- MMHS-Copy-Precedence
- MMHS-Exempted-Address
- MMHS-Extended-Authorisation-Info
- MMHS-Handling-Instructions
- MMHS-Message-Instructions
- MMHS-Message-Type
- MMHS-Originator-PLAD
- MMHS-Originator-Reference
- MMHS-Other-Recipients-Indicator-CC
- MMHS-Other-Recipients-Indicator-To
- MMHS-Primary-Precedence
- MMHS-Subject-Indicator-Codes
- MT-Priority
- Obsoletes
- Organization
- Original-Encoded-Information-Types
- Original-From
- Original-Message-ID
- Original-Recipient
- Original-Subject
- Originator-Return-Address
- PICS-Label
- Prevent-NonDelivery-Report
- Priority
- Received
- Received-SPF
- References
- Reply-By
- Reply-To
- Require-Recipient-Valid-Since
- Resent-Bcc
- Resent-Cc
- Resent-Date
- Resent-From
- Resent-Message-ID
- Resent-Reply-To
- Resent-Sender
- Resent-To
- Return-Path
- Sender
- Sensitivity
- Solicitation
- Subject
- Supersedes
- TLS-Report-Domain
- TLS-Report-Submitter
- TLS-Required
- To
- VBR-Info
- X400-Content-Identifier
- X400-Content-Return
- X400-Content-Type
- X400-MTS-Identifier
- X400-Originator
- X400-Received
- X400-Recipients
- X400-Trace
Custom headers should start with the prefix X- if they are not part of the officially sanctioned headers.
Last updated on