Simple volume-based pricing

Get 3 months for free!

How many pages do you process per month? Move the slider.

20+ pages / month

Free plan

High volume?
Monthly price in USD, when paid annually
Start on our free tier, which includes 20 pages every month.
$0 / page
Sign up to check our high-volume pricing options, including up to 1M pages per month.
Get started
Start with 20 pages per month for free
All prices exclusive of VAT/GST, where applicable.

What's included?

  • 1 page = 1 credit
  • 20+ credits valid for a year credits valid for a month
  • Credits renew every year Credits renew every month
  • Cancel at any time
  • Invite team members
  • Advanced post processing
  • AI and self-serve support
  • AI and human support
  • Priority support

Feature comparison

Free tier

Take Parseur for a spin. See what it can do.

Pages processed / month
Up to 20 pages
Multiple mailboxes
1 user
90 days
Payment via Purchase Order
Custom terms and conditions
Sign up CTA
Start free trial

Base tier

Our range of entry plans. Start automating your extractions.

Pages processed / month
Up to 3,000 pages
Multiple mailboxes
1 user
1 year
Payment via Purchase Order
Custom terms and conditions
Sign up CTA
Start free trial

Scale tier

Our range of heavy-duty plans. Lowest cost per page.

Pages processed / month
Up to 1 million pages
Multiple mailboxes
Up to 100 users
Payment via Purchase Order
Custom terms and conditions
Sign up CTA
Start free trial

Enterprise tier

Custom plans for large organizations.

Pages processed / month
Up to 10 millions pages
Multiple mailboxes
Unlimited users
Payment via Purchase Order
Custom terms and conditions
Sign up CTA
Request a quote

Is it worth it? Yes! Maybe not

Adjust the simulator to your use case to find out. Either move the sliders or update the numbers directly.

That's about documents to process per week, or per day.

Average number of pages in your PDFs.
For emails, assume 1 document = 1 page.

Full-time equivalent (FTE) employees, including time spent for data preparation, data entry, and data validation.
FTE = hours per week. That's about minutes per document, or minutes per page.

That's about per month, or per hour.
The average annual income in the US is in the EU is in the UK is in Australia is in Singapore is .

With Parseur, you could save per year
and free full time employee(s).
It looks like you run a tight ship. You may not need Parseur.

High volume? Ask about our Enterprise plan.

Without Parseur With Parseur
Employee time spent  hours / week  hours / week
Employee cost / year / year
Parseur cost / year / year
Total / year / year

Frequently asked questions

Can't find the answer you're looking for? Contact us today.

What is a credit?

Parseur offers both monthly and yearly self-service plans based on your usage volume. Each plan includes a set number of credits, where 1 credit equals 1 page processed. Unused credits expire at the end of each billing period.

For more information, visit our pricing support page.

What is a page?

For PDFs, the total number of pages in the document is used to calculate your usage.

Emails and spreadsheets are counted as a single page, regardless of their length, and therefore cost 1 credit.


  • Processing an email costs 1 credit.
  • Processing a CSV file, even with 100 lines, costs 1 credit.
  • Processing a one-page PDF costs 1 credit.
  • Processing a three-page PDF costs 3 credits.
What is a mailbox?

A mailbox is used to accept your documents for data extraction. Each mailbox has its own set of fields to extract and settings extraction. You can create as many mailboxes as you need, each capable of processing documents from various sources.

How does the AI parsing engine work?

The AI parsing engine works by naming and describing the fields you wish to extract; the AI then automatically identifies and extracts these fields from your documents, following your instructions. Unlike template-based systems, our AI engine adapts to various layouts without needing predefined templates.

How does the Template parsing engine work?

The Template parsing engine requires you to create a template for each type of document layout from which you want to extract data. You can create multiple templates within a mailbox, and Parseur will automatically select the most suitable one for each document. This approach provides more reliable data extraction and greater control compared to the AI engine, albeit with slightly more initial setup.

What is post-processing?

Post-Processing allows you to write small pieces of Python code to perform advanced manipulations of your parsed data. This feature is available in to our Scale tier plans, which are plans offering 10,000 credits or more per month.

What are multi-user accounts?

Multi-user accounts enable sharing of mailboxes and templates with other members of your organization. This feature is available in to our Scale tier plans, which are plans offering 10,000 credits or more per month.

Can I change my subscription?

Yes, you can upgrade or downgrade your subscription at any time in the app. When changing to a higher tier, the plan change will be immediate, and unused credits will be added to your new quota. When changing to a lower tier, the plan change will happen at the next billing cycle.

Can I cancel my subscription?

Yes, you can cancel your subscription at any time in the app. Once canceled, your subscription will automatically be terminated at the end of the current billing cycle and no more payments will be due.

Can I get an invoice?

Yes, you will receive an invoice by email upon successful payment. You will also find a copy of that invoice in your account settings, under Invoices & Usage.

What is your data retention policy?

The data retention period can be set anywhere between 1 day and up to unlimited (depending on your plan). You can change the retention policy in your mailbox settings.

I have specific needs in terms of volume, billing or contract

Check out our Enterprise plans. Complete this quote form to request a quote that fits your requirements. We will get back to you as soon as possible.

What are your Terms and Conditions?

By signing up to Parseur you agree to our terms and conditions, our data processing agreement, our privacy policy, and our cookie policy.

AI-based data extraction software.
Start using Parseur today.

Automate text extraction from emails, PDFs, and spreadsheets.
Save hundreds of hours of manual work.
Embrace work automation with AI.

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